
Canesten Thrush Pessary

Canesten Thrush Pessary

Canesten Thrush Pessary


This single-dose pessary targets the cause of vaginal thrush. Strength: 500 mg
SKU 1677669287-99 Categories ,

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What is Canesten Thrush Pessary?

The Canesten Thrush Pessary is part of the range of effective Canesten treatments for vaginal thrush. Thrush is a common yeast infection that affects approximately 75% of women at some point in their lives. The body contains healthy amounts of the candida fungus, but if there’s a change in the vaginal bacteria balance and the conditions are right, thrush may develop. Typical symptoms include itchiness around the vulva, a thick white vaginal discharge, or pain during urination or sex.

How does Canesten Thrush Pessary work?

The Canesten Thrush Pessary contains the active ingredient clotrimazole. Clotrimazole belongs to a group of medicines known as azoles, and is an antifungal agent that fights the thrush infection. The treatment kills the fungus by causing holes to appear in its cell membrane and the content to leak out.

How long does the treatment take to work?

The symptoms of thrush will usually disappear within three days of using the treatment, but if symptoms continue for more than 1 week, you should consult your doctor.

How do I use Canesten Thrush Pessary?

The Canesten Thrush Pessary is for vaginal use only: do not take this treatment orally.

After washing your hands thoroughly, remove the applicator and pessary from the packaging, and fit the pessary into the applicator. Insert the applicator as deep as is comfortable into the vagina, deposit the pessary, and remove the applicator, before disposing. It is preferable to do this before going to sleep at night.

If symptoms continue for more than 1 week, you should consult your doctor.

Can I use Canesten Thrush Pessary and Canesten External Cream together?

Yes, you can use Canesten Thrush Pessary at the same time as Canesten External 1% or Canesten External 2% Cream. The pessary will fight the infection from within, while the cream can be applied externally in order to provide relief from itch.


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