
Acne Treatment

Effective treatments for the root causes of acne

Epiduo Gel is an effective prescription gel that works to treat acne and prevent new spots from forming.

Duac is an effective anti-acne treatment that works to fight acne-causing bacteria and reduce existing spots.

Differin (Adapalene) gel and cream are effective acne treatments, clinically proven to clear and prevent mild to moderate acne.

Cetaphil Oily Skin Cleanser effectively cleanses and removes excess facial oil, dirt, skin debris and light makeup without drying out the skin.

Cetaphil Gentle Exfoliating Cleanser is a light facial scrub offering a gentle exfoliating action to effectively clean and remove excess facial oil and dirt.

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Ana Carolina Goncalves

Superintendent Pharmacist
GPhC Number 2088658

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